FCCI 2023 Conference: 5-F tools
This month, John & Ash spoke at the Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI) Conference in Tucson, Arizona. FCCI’s mission is equipping and encouraging Christian business leaders to operate their businesses and conduct their personal lives in accordance with Biblical principles. John & Ash have been working along side one another for over 25 years in multiple businesses and have helped start over 60 businesses to activate Ash’s hometown of Opelika, Alabama. Today, they are not only continuing to focus in Opelika, but also run a consulting company that helps revitalize small cities across the nation through patron-driven, catalytic projects and development.
Their presentation at the FCCI Conference surrounded their journey as both husband & wife and business partners. The presentation highlights three realization that opened their eyes to how messy and hard it is to work day by day in a business and still have a strong relationship. They bring forth several tools, that they have developed overtime, which have helped them overcome the difficulties and work both in their personal and professional lives. We present these tools below, along with their presentation, knowing that they can help you and others along the difficult journey we call life and relationships.