Brad’s Top Ten Book List
Today we bring you Brad’s top ten book list. Brad is a partner at Marsh Collective, a great encourager of our team members, a rockstar father & husband, among many other things.
For your convenience, click on the book image to find it on Amazon.
The Carpenter by Jon Gordon
A captivating parable that illustrates the power of love, authenticity, and craftsmanship in creating meaningful connections and building a successful and fulfilling life.
The Power of Significance by John Maxwell
An inspiring and practical guide that explores how living a life of purpose and adding value to others can bring about profound fulfillment, impact, and success.
The One Thing by Gary Keller
A transformative book that guides individuals to identify their highest priority and focus on it with unwavering dedication, ultimately leading to exceptional productivity, success, and fulfillment.
Visioneering by Andy Stanley
A compelling and practical guide that empowers individuals to clarify their vision, overcome obstacles, and turn their dreams into reality through intentional planning and courageous action.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
A thought-provoking and influential book that challenges conventional wisdom about wealth, providing invaluable insights and principles for financial independence and building wealth through smart investing and mindset shifts.
Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard
A captivating guide that emphasizes the importance of creating extraordinary customer experiences and cultivating loyal fans by exceeding expectations and delivering exceptional service.
Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
A groundbreaking book that advocates for a customer-centric approach to marketing, emphasizing the importance of gaining the voluntary attention and trust of consumers by delivering relevant and valuable content.
Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
Challenges readers to move beyond mere admiration of Jesus and become devoted followers, examining the true cost and commitment of discipleship in a thought-provoking and convicting manner.
Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni
Explores the transformative power of vulnerability, honesty, and client-focused service, highlighting the benefits of shedding pretenses and cultivating genuine relationships in the business world.
Boundaries by Henry Cloud
Provides essential insights and practical guidance on establishing healthy boundaries in various aspects of life, empowering individuals to take control, set limits, and foster healthier relationships.