Ash Marsh

Ash Marsh is a proud native of Opelika, AL. As Co-Founder and CEO of Marsh Collective, she actively runs a collection of companies that she, along with Co-Founder and husband, John, have built.   Ash focuses on Marsh Collectives' operations and strategy and fosters strategic relationships that share with her passion for hospitality design to stimulate the company's growth. She incorporates beauty, creativity, and hospitality into the world through creating Irreplaceable Real Estate.  She is  a seasoned entrepreneur with more than 25 years of real estate development, hospitality, and investment experience. 

Ash has been featured on Faith Driven Investor, Faith Driven Entrepreneur, Strong Women, The Policy Circle, and Redemptification podcasts.  

Ash’s definition of hospitality is best summed up through her vision and leadership style, “I thought of you before you got here.”

Myers Briggs (MBTI): ISTJ

Enneagram: 8

5 VOICES: Guardian Nurturer

Lover of: Fast cars, & pull up bars